Poornima Luthra
Dr. Poornima Luthra is the author of the book ‘Diversifying Diversity: Your guide to being an active ally of inclusion in the workplace and founder and CEO of TalentED Consultancy ApS as well as a member of the teaching Faculty at the Copenhagen Business School.
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Becoming an Active Ally of Inclusion
While Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) have become a cornerstone of organisation’s talent management strategy, individuals in organisations are seeking ways to make sense of what D&I mean for them and the teams that they work in, and what they can do to be allies of inclusion.
In this short talk, participants will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the terms ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’, focusing on the intersectionality of diversity and the role that plays in inclusion. Through the speaker’s Active Ally of Inclusion (AAI) model, the concept of active allyship will be introduced and tangible actions will be shared through which everyone can move from being a passive ally to an active ally. Using the power of storytelling and facts grounded in research, participants will walk away with an expanded understanding of what diversity and inclusion really encompass, along with a set of actions that they can start adopting to be more inclusive.
Andre spændende foredrag
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