
Poornima Luthra

Dr. Poornima Luthra is the author of the book ‘Diversifying Diversity: Your guide to being an active ally of inclusion in the workplace and founder and CEO of TalentED Consultancy ApS as well as a member of the teaching Faculty at the Copenhagen Business School.

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Inclusive leadership

For many leaders in today’s organisations, they are seeking tangible ways through which they can move from being a passive ally to an active ally.

Through thoughtful activities, self-reflection exercises, case studies, videos and in-training discussions (subject to agreed duration of the workshop) participants will leave with a deep understanding of the concept of inclusive leadership, and tools for themselves to become truly inclusive leaders who are active allies. The training sessions will be interactive, based on credible research, and where the course trainer strives to create an atmosphere in which participants are able and willing to share their thoughts, ideas and concerns openly and freely.

In this workshop, we begin with an overview of what diversity is, why we need diversity in organisations as well as the very crucial role that an inclusive culture plays in ensuring that the potential benefits of having a diverse talent are realised. With this understanding, participants will move to developing an appreciation for the need for inclusive leadership and what that entails with a focus on understanding the profile of an inclusive leader to help answer the question: Who is an inclusive leader? What kind of traits and behaviours do we see in an inclusive leader? What stands in the way of becoming an inclusive leader?

Participants will then be introduced to the concept of active allyship as a tool for developing inclusive leadership and will work through the ‘Active Ally of Inclusion (AAI) model’ developed by the speaker.

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