
Poornima Luthra

Dr. Poornima Luthra is the author of the book ‘Diversifying Diversity: Your guide to being an active ally of inclusion in the workplace and founder and CEO of TalentED Consultancy ApS as well as a member of the teaching Faculty at the Copenhagen Business School.

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Making sense of D&I and my role in it

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) have fast become an important strategic priority in many organisations.

Hiring diverse talent and being a diverse organisation are certainly on the minds of many leaders and managers. While diversity is certainly important, inclusion is the key to ensuring that the diverse talent in organisations are valued, respected and appreciated. In fact, it is the climate of inclusion that differentiates organisations that are able to reap the positive financial and non-financial benefits from having a diverse workforce.

In this keynote, participants will develop an understanding of:

– what diversity really is
– why we need diversity in organisations
– the very crucial role that an inclusive culture plays in ensuring that the potential benefits of having a diverse talent are realised
– the biggest barrier to inclusion – bias.

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